- Product : Active HEPA+
- Technologies: PCO/BPI/HEPA/ODOGard
- Test time: 3:20 minutes
- Air exchange equivalent: 10
- Test space: Class III Biosafety Cabinet, 2.5×3.5×1.5 ft
- Test location: MRIGlobal
Results : 99.98% Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2
These tests conclude that the Active HEPA+ is highly effective at reducing the infectivity of aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 virus with a 3.63 log (99.98%) reduction within three (3) minutes and twenty (20) seconds of operation in relation to baseline control results.
These results also show that HEPA+ had a reduction in aerosol mass and median size within the three (3) minutes and twenty (20) seconds of operation, with a mass removal of approximately 2 logs.
While particle mass reductions of only 2 logs were observed, Active HEPA+ demonstrated viral infectivity reductions greater than 3.5 logs, which supports the hypotheses that both active and passive technologies contribute to overall product efficacy.